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      FinTech App Development Solutions

      Get the best financial payments solutions with Next Big Technology’s Fintech app development solutions. Get access to various payment gateways, banking portals, e-wallets, and many more. We will give the ultimate development solution with encryption and proper data security.
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      FinTech App Development Services

      We are determined to ensure you with the best Next Big Technology’s FinTech App Development Solutions. We have all the latest technology and tools to revolutionize the financial sector. We will eliminate the time consumption and provide the all-in-one solution for the financial solution. Our team of expert developers will offer the best user interface which will give the fluid navigation in this app. We will provide the best data storage capabilities with a concrete foundation for the financial business.

      Features of
      FinTech App Development Solutions

      These are the best possible features is being offered by Next Big Technology’s FinTech App Development Solutions to the users.
      Secure Registration
      Every user needs to register in their profile to get complete access to the app features. The app will be integrated with various security options including facial recognition, fingerprint recognition, OTP, etc.
      Bank Transfers
      Money Transfers
      The app will enable users to easily transfer money to anyone without any commission. This is one of the major features which will make the users get attracted to the app service.
      Link Bank Accounts
      To have a faster financial transaction every user needs to link their bank account details along with the app. Linking a bank account can quickly transfer funds from one account to another without any commission fee.
      Manage Budgets
      You will get the ability to manage the budget in a convenient way which will prevent them from exceeding the spending limit.
      Pop-up Alerts
      Pop-up Alerts
      The user will be notified with various information regarding the pending bill payment, any other recharge requirements via push notification. Get every update directly from the app notification along with the new feature integration which will aware the users properly.
      Investment Guidance
      The application is having integration that will offer investment tips to the users via push notification.
      Speech Recognition
      This application is having an AI-based voice recognition feature that enables the user to interact with the app using the voice command.
      Chatbot Assistance
      Chatbot Assistance
      You can easily message to chatbot which will clear out the queries and resolve the issues in a faster manner. This will increase customer satisfaction which will boost the conversion rate easily.
      Data Analytics
      Data Analytics
      Get complete data analysis of the app directly in the dashboard which will ensure the proper spending and income records through the app.

      Reason to Choose Our
      FinTech App Development Solutions

      Next Big Technology is one of the best developers’ teams for app development services. We have listed all the possible reasons to choose Next Big Technology’s FinTech App Development SolutionsDevelopment.
      Feature-packed Solutions
      Get a complete feature pack solution for our advanced app development along with an enhanced user experience.
      User-friendly Interface
      Our team of expert designers will provide you with a user-friendly interface that will include a responsive and fluid environment.
      AI-Based Apps
      The app is saving the integration of Technology which will give a user-friendly service for future reference.
      Data Privacy
      Data Privacy
      The app is developed with blockchain-based technology which will offer the end-to-end encryption of data in the information that will be shared between the app and the webserver.
      Regulatory Compliance
      We will completely stick to all the regulations, rules, and guidelines which are enforced by various government organizations for the business to operate in the financial sector.
      Fraud Exposure
      The app will ensure to provide the automatic fraud expose the solution which will give the complete reviews on fraudulent activities and take actions against them.

      Tech Stack


      Why Choose Us

      In the financial industry, changing technology is becoming a key transformation agent. Technology plays a critical role in the financial industry. Next big technology develops financial software solutions in the form of FinTech App Clone that are easy to use and completely secured.
      Banking and Finance are the two most competitive industries in the current era. We are engaged with the latest tech solutions and the industry’s best practices to develop lean, appealing, smooth-running, and commercially viable financial apps. NBT is the most popular FinTech App Development Company designed to promote the client’s confidence and loyalty.
      With a team of experienced and skilled resources, we provide a one-stop solution to turn your ideas into real-world FinTech products. We will assist you in each step of the development. NBT uses powerful financial technologies to manage the accounts and payees of top institutions and businesses. Our customers can manage their personal finances, expenses, and credit scores without resorting to traditional banking. We use best practices and standards to save and secure your app.
      An online investment platform of NBT becomes a solid foundation for your successful business. Combined with our FinTech App Development Services, our solutions can solve all your business needs, transform them into an action plan of technical requirements, and offer the best architecture to power up this particular solution. Turn your idea into a financial management solution with us.

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