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      Crowdfunding Software Development

      Bring your tailored crowdfunding Website and App to enter the next group of the financial market with cutting-edge features. We even provide Readymade solution of crowdfunding that contains the clone of Real Estate & Kick-starter.

      Crowdfunding Software Development

      NBT provides scalable and customized Crowdfunding Software Development service. You will feel pleased that we offer crowdfunding solutions, along with the motive to assist people, entrepreneur and companies.

      Our professional team develops software along with the advanced technologies and latest tools. With our convenient crowdfunding software, you can efficiently save time and decrease cost as through our convenient software we distribute the fundraising script that is the clone of gofundme, Indiegogo and Kickstarter.

      Advantages Of The Crowdfunding Software

      Bulk Cargo

      Along with the execution of crowdfunding software, it saves both money and time. As it eliminates the procedure of visiting a bank and to stand in the line for long time or having the conversations with the private investors.

      Effective Marketing Strategy

      It is the marketing strategies, throughout the Real Estate Crowdfunding, understand that fundraisers are allowed to reach fast to the investors to raise the money.


      Cost Effective

      Know that crowdfunding software is not that much costly. It is reasonable and, completely depends on your resources.


      Easy Funding

      The platform of white label crowdsourcing provides a simple way to raise money for an idea and it can change it into an effective project.


      Low Risk

      Investors get a possibility to invest in the grown-up project. It secures the situations of financial risks.

      Our Crowdfunding Software Features

      Online Payment

      On our efficient open source crowdfunding platform, the procedure of transaction and payment can be done through online payment gateway script, because it can be held through debit/ credit, Paypal, paytmetc. It is a tension-free process.

      Easy to Use

      The software of white label crowdfunding is simple to use and it does not need any specific skills or course to use this platform.

      Social Media Integration

      We provide the software of open source crowdfunding that allows to reach to the great number of audiences through integration of social media. Through it, the payment can be raised,

      Private Messaging

      Our highly efficient platform is allowed for private messages; users can easily chat with each other on the particular platform.

      Smart inbuilt Search Module

      We give a crowdfunding platform wherein the module of smart inbuilt search integration, through which users can easily search.

      Alerts and Notifications

      Understand that NBT crowdfunding software is allowed to send the reminders and alerts in the form of push SMS and notification.

      Appealing UX/UI

      Our professional designers put their efforts to bring attractive design and outcome. Designing team of NBT has a skill that users cannot take their eyes off from the specific platform.


      Crowdfunding Platform is easily available in the multi-language like Spanish, Hindi, Englishetc.

      Our Crowdfunding Software Features

      Crowdfunding Software Development

      We provide platform of white label crowdsourcing for donation, equity and debt firms with inspiring features that contain video pitch support, social media, KYC E Signatures, ID Verification etc.

      Reward Crowdfunding Software

      Our specialist team provides a vigorous reward-based crowdfunding resolutionsame as to Kickstarter or Indiegogo.

      Donor Crowdfunding Software

      Crowdfunding software based on NBT donation confirms that the donation-based software can be simply integrated in some seconds.

      Equity Crowdfunding Software

      We provide highly secure and functional equity for the platforms of open source crowdfunding to our equity customers.

      Real Estate Crowdfunding Software

      NBT provides crowdfunding app and web development service for the Real Estate. Understand that our real estate crowdfunding script is advantageous in different manners as people can assimilate the fully-fledged portal where people can have a complete list of new commercial and residential properties.

      P2P Lending Software

      Know that our P2P funding apps contains a database of lending resources, social networking, lender comparisons, online applications, collaboration tools and borrower profiling.

      OPB Business Lending Software

      For the operative solution we give OPB lending software that contains custom crowd funding app and web development, united fund transfer as well as management of portfolio.

      Crowdfunding Script

      We provide Readymade Crowdfunding Software same as to Kickstarter and Real state. It saves time and decreases the cost, because it is a fully fledged readymade program with advanced features combined into the fundamental module. We provide a script of Kickstarter clone to our clients.

      Crowdfunding Website Design

      NBT provides the service of crowdfunding website design as our professional designers bring the attractive design for the platform that the user cannot take off their eyes.

      Why Choose Us For The White Label Crowdsourcing Platform?

      We are recognized as a one-stop resolution for the white label crowdfunding website and app development and some other reasons make us consistent are:


      Our Dedicated Team





      On time delivery

      Time has completely changed and the whole thing is depending on technology and also the method of contribution has even changed. In case you are searching the crowdfunding software development service provider as same as kick-starter Clone, you can without any problem contact to NBT. We have the skill to give the same as open source kickstarter. It gives the best platforms of crowdfunding on the relevant platform of crowdfunding software that work same as open source kickstarter clone and these attractive features makes NBT a greatest crowdfunding site development company.

      Let’s talk about your requirements


      NBT offers a highly working and improve featured crowdfunding software, app and web for the iOS and Android. The cost of crowdfunding software development differs from one feature to another feature that you wish to integrate in the development of mobile application.

      The solution of readymade crowdfunding is advantageous in different manners it is a readymade solution that is similar to Real Estate and Kickstarter. The Kickstarter clone script is planned in such a manner that it contains all the features of the fundamental module which needs. By choosing readymade solution, you can easily save your time as well as decrease cost.

      Yes, we are providing you the crowdfunding App with accessible Source Code but you have to be expert to change it.

      We offer you the PHP script for the app and web source code of crowdfunding app for the iOS and Android, but to make the necessary changes or to change it you want expertise or you must have some familiarityabout programming.

      Yes, we are delivering you the functional and high-quality app and web same as it has been showed in the demo app.

      We give you the tailored Crowdfunding Software for RealEstate platform same as to the demo app, after changing in the theme and colour scheme according to our client’s needs along with this, also we can add some extra features to the core module but it would add an extra cost.

      NBT Crowdfunding app is the best choices as we provide the readymade White label crowdfunding mobile app along with attractive features like smart analytics system, advanced dispatch, In-app Paymentsand tracking panel etc. through our system, you can have a preview of our Crowdfunding application in our demo app. Our App is a script of Indiegogo and kickstarterand for Real Estate business.

      We trust to work on the relevant and advanced technologies according to the different platform. We utilize to build the website in the PHP programming language and for Android platform, we utilize the technologies Android SDK Emulator, Android Sketch Paper, MobiOne and for iOS we are usingRhoMobile, Appcelerator, and Xamarin as well we provide the native Mobile application.

      Yes, we are offering crowdfunding api to our clients for their business development.

      Our App Processing Steps

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