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      Classified App Development Solution

      Process of Classified App Development

      NBT is an excellent solution for classified application development. We provide a broad variety of multifunctional sites which matches with your business requirements. Utilizing an olx clone script or classified clone script our specialized designers’ team will efficiently design the basic structure that will develop your application code.

      Take a Picture of Products

      Post your ads

      View or Edit Posts

      Check All Listed Post

      User Call or Message for buying a Product

      Buyer calls or message seller and communicate

      Agree on Payment and Location

      Product Sold and Get Paid

      Classified Web & Mobile Application Solution



      Find Your Buying Products in android



      Easy to Maintain your selling Products in One Click


      Web App

      Comfortable and End to End Web Solution for Seller or Buyer

      Develop Custom Classified Application

      While observing the passion of classified app same as Olx, these types of PHP Scripts are working very easily that large number of people, that results most of the startups and companies are looking for a convenient Quikr clone script or same as olx where anybody can buy and sell on these classified php scripts and classified clone scripts and get better your quality-driven approach and proficiency that can keep you active in the market.

      Innovative and High Quality Designs

      Are you looking to build Classified Application?

      Sell & Buy




      Make it Easy With The Mobile App & Web Application

      Why Do You Need a Classified Application

      • Classified ads have originated a way into the highly advanced world to meet online clients with the increase of mobile and internet apps. Different products can be found and searched through the apps and information can be easily viewed easily. Applications such as Olx are coming up with a top-classified app which assists in targeting mass people in real-time, in the most suitable manner.

      How it Works


      Why Choose NBT for Classified App Development

      NBT has an excellent knack in the web development and Mobile App Development field. We give you with the excellent online Classified App or application such as olx which matches the trends of market and other experiences. Find all the alternatives and make an enthralling iOS and android Classified mobile application Development which explore all the choices.


      Easy Quote

      Cost Effective Solution


      Quality Work on Timeline


      Priority Support

      If you are even involved to make a ready made classified Website and Mobile Application so contact to NBT – best company for classified website and App development that give you a chance to make a best classified Application development company with classified ad posting and classified portal Web Application. We work on the advanced technology like classified portal development and classified website builder software. It is the greatest classified Application Development.


      Why Choose Us

      The Classified App Solution Web and App Development Company is a complete package of software which consists of iOS and Android apps for both the sellers and buyers and also have admin portal for managing the system. With the help of chat module buyer and seller can communicate with each other.

      Classified App Solution Web and App Development Services provide the salient features such as browse or search where they can sort the product with the help of filters, customer can find the location by choosing the option nearest sale first, they can locate the products under different categories, Customer can save the product in their wishlists, Buyer and seller can both review or give feedback to the Classified App Solution app development, Buyer can ask their related query to seller through emails or chat, Seller can upload many pictures of the product,Notification will be send to buyer related to the new posting, price changes and many more, smart algorithm is there to suggest products which is similar to current product, product details can be shared through SMS or social media, Easy login process through social media, seller app includes the uploading and managing products, Easy uploading or posting of products, Subscription packages for sellers and multiple payment option.

      Our Classified App Solution web development has very simple process to work such as they will send us the business requirement, once we received the requirement we provide you the cost and timeline, once it is confirmed we start working on customisation, seller will test the application and confirm and we start the deployment. Also we provide few benefits as well such as Save Time & Money, Customize as you Need, Latest Technology, You own the Code, One Time Cost, Life Time Support, Assurance of Quality, and Data Security.

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