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    Library Management System App Development Cost and Features

    Amit Shukla

    Be it a student or any professional or anyone for that matter, would want to gain knowledge by reading books. In a library, the role of the librarian is the most important one. Anyone who wants to read books or return or require any information regarding any books would approach a librarian.

    To make the job of the librarian easy, the latest technological progress has paved the way for managing the process easier through library management system app development and this software would assist the librarian to effectively manage the process.

    Users can search in the library catalog and can find what they want.

    Library Management System App Development Cost and Features

    What is all about a library management system?

    A library management system (LMS) is software that has been created and developed to facilitate the entire process in a simplified manner. The complete procedure becomes uncomplicated with the use of the software. LMS can assist the person to maintain the number of books given or returned and the entire transaction process can be utterly recorded so that smooth functioning of the library is established in an unchallenging method.

    Why do you need a library management system?

    Many things are simplified with the usage of the LMS software.

    1. The librarian can search and filter and find the relevant books according to the author’s name, category, etc.
    2. One can save time.
    3. The search process is convenient.
    4. One can discover the position of the book and can locate it easily.
    5. The book reader receives notifications or reminders to return the book when the date is arriving or any kind of update like if the necessary book which the reader was looking for is obtainable, the individual can go and get the book, and so on.
    6. Much manual – paperwork can be completely avoided.

    The LMS software proves to be very much beneficial for the management and therefore many activities can be managed in a structured manner.

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    Through the LMS software, a flexible approach is being focused. There are many kinds of libraries such as

    -Research libraries.

    -Academic libraries.

    -Children’s libraries.

    -Libraries set up in colleges, etc.

    So, there are many kinds of libraries and the LMS software would really be very much help full for them.

    Library Management System App Development Cost and Features

    Most prominent features of a Library Management System:

    Librarian Interface:

    1. Web-based on Online Public Access System – OPAC.
    2. Managing the index/catalog.
    3. Search the catalog: to find the relevant book.
    4. Membership approval/rejection.
    5. Contact details – Update the phone number, address details, etc. – Book names and items can be added, deleted, or removed.
    6. Return Books can be checked.
    7. User data – how many books were issued and returned can be tracked.
    8. The camera can be incorporated with the app so that the user’s face is recorded in the system.
    9. A library card can be produced.
    10. Subscription – How many users have subscribed for a specified period of time can be tracked.
    11. Book renewals can be checked.
    12. Reservation of Books – The book can be reserved using this attribute.
    13. Late fee – Persons who pay their fees late could be tracked and an appropriate fine can be issued.
    14. Author of the book – This feature can assist the librarian to show the list of books written by the particular author.
    15. Shelf – According to the book, the search process can much more be simplified by knowing the book placed on a specific shelf. The identification process is carried out by shelf number.
    16. Serial numbers – Books can be organized according to serial numbers.
    17. Database backup and Restore – This functionality is crucial in case if there is any data loss and so on.
    18. CMS – This attribute can assist the user to update the necessary content.
    19. Calculator – This feature can be used to calculate late fees, etc.
    20. Import and Export – Data related to books can be either imported or exported – excel sheets.

    User Interface:

    1. Registration/Sign up and Log in and users can access via social accounts too).
    2. Book information – The library members can get to know the information regarding any book which they require.
    3. Subscribe – Users can subscribe according to their comfort.
    4. Search for the books – The user can search books and can get information.
    5. History – Past information can be got to know for reference.
    6. Check late fee – Late fees can be checked.
    7. Book reserve – Book can be reserved in advance.
    8. Book return – Book return date can be referred.
    9. Payments – The users can pay by using this feature and there are many payment gateways integrated.
    10. Wish list – The users can drop the books into the wish lists and later can add them to book reserve.
    11. Feedback – The user can leave a comment/feedback regarding the app and the service.
    12. Sharing the app – the users can share the app with their friends or family members.
    13. Chat/Message – The user can message the librarian to get to know any significant information regarding books.
    14. Push notifications – Any major updates or reminders can be received through this feature.
    15. Multi-language – This attribute can aid the user to use the app conveniently by picking the language of his/her choice.

    Many features such as analytics, Bar and QR code scanner, circulation management, etc. can be integrated with the app for much better usage.

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    Also Read :

    The revenue model for a library management system:

    1. Promoted listings
    2. Membership program.

    Cost to build a library management system:

    Obviously, the cost depends on the platform – Android or iOS or both, number of attributes, and location.

    The cost to build a library management app would be around 25,000$ – 35,000$ and the numbers can go high based on the complexity level, the number of attributes to be incorporated, etc.

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    Hope this article would give an elaborate understanding of the library management system app development.

    Library management system – LMS software eases many manual processes and brings about an easier way of handling books which can motivate and bring about many library members.

    In case you are looking for a renowned mobile and app development company you can contact Next Big Technology for further information.

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    The Author
    Amit Shukla
    Director of NBT
    Amit Shukla is the Director of Next Big Technology, a leading IT consulting company. With a profound passion for staying updated on the latest trends and technologies across various domains, Amit is a dedicated entrepreneur in the IT sector. He takes it upon himself to enlighten his audience with the most current market trends and innovations. His commitment to keeping the industry informed is a testament to his role as a visionary leader in the world of technology.