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      Introducing To You 6GAG Tv App

      This script of NBT includes an iOS and perhaps Android app to provide your own friends with a fun forum to express themselves, as well as a strong Admin Dashboard now for you. (A single Ring for Ruling Them All!)
      Only the particular videos which are actually worth watching should be mentioned. Curate and view the best videos from the site to consumers. Choose videos now for your customers so you can easily sit back, simply relax, and perhaps enjoy the most beautiful videos which the internet now has to offer. Find entertaining amusing pet posts, hilarious advertisements, and mind-blowing covers of further hit songs, wicked cartoons, cool new toys, hints, and otherwise mind-boggling magic tricks.

      Characteristics of Apps

      Related Videos-1

      Video Auto-Play

      When a user finishes a video at NBT, the next linked video will play immediately and without now the user having to do something.


      Similar Videos

      Related videos once again to the video clip which the user is viewing will be shown under it just so that they can be easily found.


      Multiple Categories

      To make it easy for consumers at NBT, there is a wide variety of categories now from which they can usually choose to see what they want best.


      Exciting Offers

      Initiate or show all of the possible entertaining videos in this section. Viewers can conveniently choose the most amusing post from this collection.


      Latest Videos

      Scrolled down very much? Hit the refresh button and watch all of the latest news now on the top.

      6GAG Tv-app-screen-01

      What We Provides?

      Mobile Apps-icon

      Mobile Application (Android/iOS)

      White label iOS and otherwise Android applications for your own users at NBT, all written in native iOS and otherwise Android source code for flawless performance.

      Web App-icon

      Web Application

      This application offers a feature-rich front-end company’s website for the customers to amuse themselves and some others.

      Admin Dashboard-icon

      Backend Pannel (Dashboard)

      A powerful administrator dashboard of NBT allows you to manage your whole enterprise, from validating and otherwise authorizing various user groups to introducing new payment methods.

      100% Customizable-icon

      Fully Customizable

      The total code for the private server, administrator Dashboard, iOS, and otherwise Android applications is provided in unencrypted form, along with full documentation.


      Online Payment Gateway (Net Banking & Credit Card)

      Xuber is developed with the PayPal Smartphone SDK, Striped Credit Card Processing, and otherwise Cash on Delivery as the default option available. We will add more lately.

      Complete Report (Guide Book)

      You will particularly get a detailed document at NBT which will eventually help you in installing the mobile and web application very easily within one hour!

      Assistance Include from Our Side


      BIO PAGE

      In this tab, you can change the basic kind of profile settings. See all of your own posts and tweets, as well as the most recent events.



      Using the highly advanced searching button, you will find just what you are searching for in a certain group.



      Sign up and then just login to 6GAG TV by using general social logins like Facebook and perhaps Google+. Get instant traffic to your website.



      Share your frustration with a given video by labelling it as spam and demanding that it be deleted.



      The general social plugins somewhere in the application allow you to upload 6GAG TV posts to particularly all various social media platforms, increasing the app’s virality.



      With instantaneous Notifications, you will stay up to date on all of your operation. Responses to your operation, as well as everything else, are protected here.


      No, but we do provide a particular installation kit that can get the app up and otherwise running fast. We prefer Digital Ocean server because it meets all the application’s specifications.

      The rapid deployment of the Application Store and otherwise Play Store is protected by a separate Installation Package, which then will be taken up and completed in no time by our productive staff. You will also need to buy a Google and otherwise Apple developer account and provide us with the certificates, and our own experts will indeed keep you updated in the whole process.

      No, it does not. Our basic Installation Package now only includes deployment to a somewhat live server, not to further local host or even a local computer.

      If you buy a modern server, online installation can take 48 hours. It will take up to 48 hours to somehow submit the files at least for Android and iOS application submissions, after which the Smartphone app stores must review the application in total submission (The application goes out live whenever the application stores complete the total review).

      NBT firmly warn against changing or altering the code. If the entire script is changed, our team will be unable to continue working on it, and the service program coverage will be terminated.

      If you have selected the implementation service kit, you will not be liable for a refund until the system has been shipped to you. We may not allow refunds for open source code transactions because the risk of the code is indeed high. If you encounter any difficulties during installation, our own experts will be available to you via Skype/email. NBT strongly recommend that you closely review the feature list and try them out in the demo just before making a purchase.